Bridging the Gap

Posted by Susan Posnick on

“Some of my best friends are Millennials. I no longer have time for those who wish to separate women by their demographic and impose a set of stereotypes on aging. We are going to Bridge the Gap. Why? Because we’re stronger together.  Catherine Grace O'Connell

Bridging the Gap is a brand new reciprocal mentoring program between millennials and baby boomers. The movement began with Catherine Grace O'Connell as an extension of her Fierce50 blog, and it has built up quite the momentum.

Kaija Leung
Kaija Leung, @smplykaija

I am excited and energized to be dialoging with my #bridgingthegap partner Kaija Leung. She is a young, (23) enterprising woman making her way in the videography world of beauty and fashion-YouTube is her primary playground.

She clearly has a passion for what she is doing and for me, that is the heart of our connection. 

Kaija Leung
Kaija Leung, @smplykaija

Kaija has already impressed me with her drive and focus with regard to her career & goals. At the same time, she is aware of and open to those goals shifting and changing depending on where her creativity and skills take her.

As a makeup artist and the owner of an international beauty brand focusing on health, sun protection and on-the-go products, and one who who regularly over-commits , I hope I can guide her as to how to better navigate her life & her career.

Learning from experiences is  always positive, as it means that those younger than us can often learn from our mistakes, as well as our successes. 

Being from a very different generation than mine, I expect that Kaija will have much to teach me as well, especially when it comes to  the navigation of social media. :)

I look forward to building on our friendship and growing together.



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