It all started when Kim Kardashian graced us with her cheekbones that seemed to reach higher than her Sky High Louboutin’s. The contouring craze is easily the most sought after beauty trend today. But contouring is not as effortless as the stars make it look. When the trend started out I was curious. I went to Google and typed in “how to contour”. I immediately set down my contour kit and went to my purse looking for the receipt. I did not realize the Van Gogh like artistry that went into it. I think many women like me want the look but are intimidated by confusing contouring tutorial pictures. After I realized the receipt had been lost in the black hole that is my purse there was no turning back. For makeup so intricate and that could so easily go wrong I decided I was going to need a detailed step-by-step video of how to contour. After a YouTube binge and many failed attempts one of which had me looking like I just stumbled out of a Coachella sand storm, I finally found the perfect beauty vlogs. Each of these vloggers has their own style and technique. Here are the top three videos I found that help different types of makeup lovers achieve the contoured look of their dreams.
For the Beginner
Beauty Vlogger Maskcara gives a perfect breakdown of how contouring works and how to make it work for you. She gives techniques for highlighting and contouring to complement different face shapes and show off your favorite features. She lays out the fundamentals of how contouring works and gives a lot of good information for those of us who are just a little clueless. She breaks down the frustrating barrier between being celebrities with a team of makeup artists and being a confused woman sitting at her vanity just trying to not look like a clown. This is a great tutorial to learn how to add contouring to your everyday makeup routine.
2. The Kim K
For the Glam Girl
Beauty Vlogger AlexandrasGirlyTalk shows you how to get the original contouring queen’s look. She takes the Kim Kardashian tricks and shows you how amazingly they can work. She gives options through her tutorial on how to step up the drama or tone it down a little. This is for the more experienced contourer who wants to learn a new technique or wants to learn how to take their everyday contour and give it a boost. This tutorial is a great look for going out or any special occasion. I tried it before going out with my friends on a Saturday night and I must say even Kim would have been a little jealous of my look.
For The Whimsical Woman
Non-Touring is a trend in contouring where you use only highlight and no dark contour shades. This technique really brightens your face and gives you a light whimsical look. It is a great way to illuminate your natural beauty.
Beauty Vlogger Nicol Concilio shows you how to achieve what she calls the “I woke up like this” look. My favorite part about this tutorial is that she does it using drug store products. She describes the products and tells you how to use them correctly. She gives alternative options to the products she uses too so you can achieve the look with products you already have. This is great for someone who wants to try something new. Nicol Concilios detailed instructions make the tutorial really easy to follow for someone who is trying to perfect the look.
Susan Posnick makes it easy to achieve all three of these looks. Her COLORCORRECT is a double-sided pencil that works as a highlighter, a corrector for skin discoloration and a contour. It comes in different hues to complement every skin tone and sharpens to any point you desire. Applied with a brush or with the fingertips, this product is a fast and easy tool to use on the go or in front of your vanity mirror. Whether you’re going for The Kim K, The Classic or The Non-Tour look, the COLORCORRECT allows you to define your beautiful features with finesse.
For looks like The Kim K and The Non-Tour, which require a little extra shimmer, her new ILLUMINATE product is a must. These highlighters will give you the sparkle that every woman loves. Apply the puff to the apples of your cheeks, the brim of your nose, and the cupid’s bow of the lips and you will glow like a starlet